Fareed Zakaria sulla battaglia in corso:
Suicide bombing cannot be explained by poverty and disadvantage. The London bombers were not the wretched of the earth. They came from working-class but comfortable backgrounds, living in one of the world’s most prosperous countries. For all the talk of their being marginalized, none were living in hellish ghettos. Britain today does a decent job of assimilating its immigrants, certainly better than any other European country. If anyone had cause for rage, it was not the bombers but their parents. Muslim migrants from Pakistan (in three cases), they arrived in Britain in less multicultural times. They were dirt-poor and probably ostracized and persecuted. And yet they did not become murderers; they started fish-and-chips shops.
Like all ideologies, radical Islam is a phenomenon of the educated class. From Muhammad Atta to Mohammed Sidique Khan, almost all suicide bombers have been men who read and write. In V. S. Naipaul’s book “A Million Mutinies Now,” the author interviews a young Hindu fanatic. The man explains his fascistic views, and then Naipaul asks the man’s father, who happens to be sitting there, what he thinks. The old man explains that he works at a factory from morning till night and doesn’t really have time for these kinds of ideas. Extremist ideology is a leisure-time pursuit
I poveri della terra hanno altro da fare che farsi saltare in aria
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