French daily newspaper France Soir Wednesday reproduced the 12 caricatures named “Faces of Muhammad” that had been previously published by Danish Jyllands-Posten. This just one day after a bomb threat forced Jyllands-Postenwhich already had apologized, although it maintained it was legal under Danish law to print themto evacuate its offices. Also Tuesday, Interior ministers from 17 Arab countries asked the Danish government to firmly punish the authors of these offences.” Here is a report by the BBC:
France Soir said it had published the cartoons to show that “religious dogma” had no place in a secular society.
Their publication in Denmark has led to protests in several Arab nations.
Responding to France Soir’s move, the French government said it supported press freedom – but added that beliefs and religions must be respected.
Islamic tradition bans depictions of the Prophet Muhammad or Allah.
Under the headline “Yes, we have the right to caricature God”, France Soir ran a front page cartoon of Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim and Christian gods floating on a cloud.
It shows the Christian deity saying: “Don’t complain, Muhammad, we’ve all been caricatured here.”
The full set of Danish drawings, some of which depict the Prophet Muhammad as a terrorist, were printed on the inside pages.
The paper said it had decided to republish them “because no religious dogma can impose itself on a democratic and secular society.”
As a believer, I cannot find it in my heart to laugh when people take the mickey out of someone else’s religion (as well as
Il giorno stesso, France-Soir ha licenziato il direttore
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