La rete è affollata di informazioni che suscitano una certa diffidenza nei confronti della società che ha compiuto i sondaggi con cui Berlusconi si dice in vantaggio, in particolare a partire da un exit poll che cannarono clamorosamente alle elezioni venezuelane:
“For what it’s worth, I did a little digging into the exit polls. There are the standard sorts of allegations on both sides. Those who favor Chavez are saying that the polls were taken in predominantly wealthy districts that were certain to favor a recall. those who support a recall point to the fact that the polls were done by an independent polling company.
What polling company?
Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates.
So? Who are they? How many rhetorical questions will this guy write??
“(Penn, Schoen & Associates) does indeed conduct research for Fortune 500 corporations, (and) it is also a top-level political polling and strategy firm for the Democratic Party. Its clients have included the 1996 presidential re-election campaign of President Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton when she ran for the U.S. Senate from New York state, six other Democratic U.S. senators (including Sen. Daniel Moynihan, Sen. Frank Lautenberg and Sen. Joe Lieberman), more than 50 Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives, New York Mayor Ed Koch and the presidential campaigns of Edward Kennedy and Walter Mondale. PSB was acquired in 2001 by media giant WPP Group. PSB had revenues of $31.4 million for calendar year 2000.
“Time magazine has called PSB the ‘Masters of Message,’ while the Washington Post said of founder Mark J. Penn, ‘Make no mistake about it, Penn may just be the most powerful person in Washington you’ve never heard of.'”
That’s coming from the Colorado Republican Party. They urged their own legislators to “use caution in responding to any calls from PSB.”
This is the bought and paid for polling arm of the New Democrat Network. Both parties in America want a more pro-business, pro-American government in place in Venezuela. This poll would never have been funded by those leading the charge for the recall if there were a snowball’s chance in hell that it would’ve come out differently, I dare say.
Considering the well-documented role that our government has played in trying to oust Chavez, methinks these exit polls may be a touch suspicious.”
“Penn, Schoen and Berland (PSB) has played a pioneering role in the use of polling operations, especially “exit polls,” in facilitating coups. Its primary mission is to shape the perception that the group installed into power in a targeted country has broad popular support. The group began work in Serbia during the period that its principle, Mark Penn, was President Clinton’s top political advisor.”
Dailypundit, Rolli, Sourcewatch
Mi ha detto mio cuggino che il Polo è in vantaggio
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