Olivier Roy su Newsweek spiega che non basta una legge nel loro interesse a cambiare la disillusione dei giovani francesi nei confronti della loro classe politica:
“In a speech in New York, I found myself talking about young French entrepreneurs trying to launch businesses at home. To be eligible for a bank loan, to be taken seriously by potential business partners, they must have seniority and be “experienced”that is, they must be old. In America, teenagers start businesses, and thrive. Is it any surprise that global media are full of stories about the “decline of France,” or that the most enterprising young people are increasingly leaving to try their chance abroad? That unemployed French youths have so united against a measure designed to give them work, and are joined by immigrants who came to France seeking just that, is a telling sign of just how hopeless the situation looks to the next generation”
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