Washington (dbTechno) – A full moon lit up the sky on Friday night and was one of the biggest in history as it got extremely close to the Earth.
Usually, the moon is around 238,000 miles from Earth, but on Friday night the full moon was only around 221,000 miles from Earth.
Due to the fact that it was about as close as it ever has been to Earth, it made it far bigger and brighter in our night sky.
NASA stated that the full moon was 30% brigher and far larger than any other full moon we are going to see in these 12 months.
This was a sight to be seen to say the least as the full moon also led to higher tides due to the gravity caused by the distance from the Earth to the moon and sun.
We have received reports from readers in Massachusetts, California, and other areas of the U.S. which have stated that the full moon was truly something to be seen.
One thing is clear, it will be some time before it gets this big and bright again in our night sky.
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