La stampa internazionale sta gradualmente ricostruendo le violenze, gli stupri e la strage compiuta una settimana fa dai soldati della Guinea agli ordini del capitano Camara, che meno di un anno fa prese il potere convincendo gran parte della popolazione che ci avrebbe pensato lui a riportare l’ordine e la legalità in Guinea
The attacks were part of a violent outburst on Sept. 28 in which soldiers shot and killed dozens of unarmed demonstrators at the main stadium here, where perhaps 50,000 had assembled. Local human rights organizations say at least 157 were killed; the government puts the figure at 56.
But even more than the shootings, the attacks on women — horrific anywhere, but viewed with particular revulsion in Muslim countries like this one — appear to have traumatized the citizenry and hardened the opposition’s determination to force out the leader of the military junta, Capt. Moussa Dadis Camara.