High schools and colleges have finally woken up to that fact, increasingly delaying the beginning of classes to better suit the biological clocks of students whose sleep cycles naturally slip later into the night. “It is absolutely crazy to expect high-school and college students to learn things at 7 a.m.,” says Timothy Monk, director of the Human Chronobiology Research Program at the University of Pittsburgh.
Similarly, he says. “it makes more sense for [employees] to work during hours they are productive than some artificial 9-to-5 schedule.”
In fact, staff meetings, which typically start at 9 a.m., would apparently be better 12 hours later. Thomas Wehr, a research psychiatrist at the National Institute of Mental Health, has studied daily sleep cycles, and he has found that almost no one can fall asleep around 9 p.m. “Ironically, the period when we’re most alert and at the highest state of arousal is after we leave work,” he says.
Wall Street Journal
Che andiamo a letto la mattina presto
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