Avete presente le rituali valutazioni e polemiche dopo le catastrofi italiane? Edilizia selvaggia, mancati controlli, spregio delle valutazioni geologiche, eccetera. Bene: in Cile, invece, dopo il terremoto ci si congratula per quanto una regolamentazione attenta abbia limitato i danni e i morti. Ricordiamocelo, d’ora in poi, quando vorremo usare da noi l’espressione “una situazione cilena”. Ce la sognamo, una situazione cilena.
After experiencing one of the most powerful earthquakes to strike the earth in more than a century, Chileans accelerated their rescue, aid and security efforts in damaged regions Sunday but also took pride in the comparatively low death toll, a result widely attributed to the country’s meticulous planning and preparation.
Earthquake scientists, building engineers and political scientists in Chile and the United States agreed that even though half a million homes were heavily damaged during more than 120 seconds of shaking, the fact that so many Chileans survived was a testament to the nation’s enactment and enforcement of stringent building codes.
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