Reuters sta indagando su alcuni articoli di finanza pubblicati da suoi giornalisti delle redazione di Breakingviews in sospetto conflitto di interesse: uno di loro si è già dimesso
Mr. Collins’s breach came to light about two weeks ago while he was talking to one of the site’s editors, according to a person familiar with the matter. The two were looking at a share-price chart for BP when Mr. Collins mentioned to the editor that he had purchased shares in the oil giant at a particular time period shown on the chart.
The editor pointed out that Mr. Collins had been writing stories about BP during the period he admitted to acquiring shares.
Breakingviews looked deeper into the activity around BP in addition to exploring whether there were other breaches. It was discovered, with Mr. Collins’ help, that there were several other instances in which Mr. Collins wrote about companies he had a financial interest in, and a few cases in which he made trades, the person familiar with the matter said.
“Subsequent inquiries uncovered a couple of other instances where it was appropriate to make disclosures to readers but those were not nearly as extensive or serious,” said Breakingviews co-founder and editor Hugo Dixon in an interview.
Thomson Reuters, Dow Jones & Co., and some other financial media organizations have codes of conduct that restrict employees’ investment and trading activities to avoid accusations of conflict of interest.
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