“Cosa dice la stampa estera dell’Italia”

Anche Time si è accorto che il grosso problema della qualità della politica in Italia va di pari passo con il grosso problema della qualità dei giornali in Italia.

Any discussion of what’s wrong with Italian politics eventually leads to the question of what’s wrong with the country’s media. In a nation where the Prime Minister controls the airwaves, only one out of 10 people buys a daily paper, compared with one in five Americans and three in five people in Japan, according to the World Association of Newspapers. Italians, it seems, don’t care to read the news.
But what if the fault doesn’t lie with Italians’ appetite for news? What if the problem is with what’s on the menu? At a literary festival in central Sardinia last month, I had a chance to feel the public’s dissatisfaction with what was on offer. During a panel on the media, when I observed that Italian journalists seem to write mostly for each other, for politicians, or for the pleasure of reading their own prose, the audience clapped its approval. For much of the following hour, questioners demanded to know why the news wasn’t being written for them.

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