Il Guardian ha lanciato un’indagine online per capire il perché dei tumulti di Tottenham a partire da chi vi ha partecipato.
Thanks to live reporting and tweeting from reporters and eyewitnesses on the ground, a clear picture of what happened, and its aftermath, is rapidly emerging. What will take longer to emerge, however, is any sense as to why these riots – predicted by virtually no one – took place. Theories aplenty are circulating social media, and soon will be followed by commentators in the paper setting out what the riots mean in the UK’s wider social context.
However, the only people who can really shed light on why the riots took place are those who rioted, their friends, families and neighbours.
Given that many protesters were said to be carrying smartphones and taking to social media, we are asking the same questions online. While this can only generate anecdotal information (and the plural of anecdote is not data), we’re hoping it will help inform and expand our reporting.
Francamente non capisco perché mai il Guardian debba fare un inchiesta, a meno che si tratti di una sorta di ricerca pseudoantropologica…. il tutto è cominciato quando la polizia ha arrestato un ragazzo nero e quest’ultimo ha tentato di scappare e purtroppo la polizia ha sparato uccidendolo, da qui la rabbia del quartiere, con maggioranza nera, e da qui la rabbia a carattere razziale che si sta spargendo nel resto della città.
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