C’è una signora newyorkese di Barbados che non ne vuole sapere di sentirsi dire che ha 101 anni
For Mrs. Bishop’s 100th birthday in 2008, the family held a party and allowed the previous consul general, a family friend, to attend. But it decided to respect Mrs. Bishop’s sensitivities by sending invitations that referred to “the 70th anniversary of her 30th birthday.”
Mrs. Bishop did quick work on the greeting cards she received that mentioned a 100th birthday, tearing out the offending number and leaving the rest of each card intact. During the party, Ms. Hylton-Springer recalled, her mother turned to a friend and said, “I don’t know what they’re going to do when I’m 100, because they’re making such a big fuss now.”
Birichino, Barbados è un’isola, una sola.
Hai ragione, figurati che ci facemmo pure una puntata di Condor, che Matteo confondeva con le Bahamas. Grazie, correggo. L.