A chi crede che il giornalismo sia quello che si fa con un tesserino non piacerà, ma questo post di Jeff Jarvis dovrebbero – proprio – farlo studiare nelle scuole di giornalismo.
There are no journalists, there is only the service of journalism.
Journalism is not content. It is not a noun. It need not be a profession or an industry. It is not the province of a guild. It is not a scarcity to be controlled. It no longer happens in newsrooms. It is no longer confined to narrative form.
So then what the hell is journalism?
It is a service. It is a service whose end, again, is an informed public. For my entrepreneurial journalism students, I give them a broad umbrella of a definition: Journalism helps communities organize their knowledge so they can better organize themselves.Thus anything that reliably serves the end of an informed community is journalism
Cioè non piacerà al 90% dei tesserati italiani. Soprattutto a quelli di RCS in procinto di cambiare bandiera ancora una volta.